
Thank You
This week Bishop Michael held a diocesan gathering in Bridgwater and spoke profoundly of our shared multifaceted ministry. He underlined simply and expansively that we need each other. On one level we might say, surely this is nothing new. But, there is a new emphasis in the Church of England on what it really means to ‘share’ in ministry as God’s people – as lay and ordained leaders, as church family, and as volunteers. So what does this mean for us? Firstly, all of us are called to share in praying for the Abbey and our mission across the city. Secondly, we are all called to encourage each other, to notice each others’ skills and gifts, and to affirm one another in them. Thirdly, we are all called to value everyone whom God brings through our doors. Fourthly, every voice matters.  
Recently Bishop Michael has been highlighting the priorities of the diocese in this new season, and be encouraged they align very closely with our own:
  • To value and cherish people.  
  • To develop new Christian worshipping communities.
  • To share in ministry and leadership.
  • To deepen and grow in faith.
At the Abbey we are blessed to have such an abundance of gifts through you. Thank you for all you contribute to the life of the Abbey. And special thanks to those of you whose work and ministry is often hidden, for example: our Holy Dusters, Intercessors, Administrators, and not least the work of our Church Wardens! Last night, our Archdeacon, Adrian Youings formally welcomed and admitted Church Wardens across the Archdeaconry, and it was a joy to share in this service with David and Andrew. We now welcome David Babb as he works alongside Andrew Bragg in this role.

Each year Bath and Wells highlights a passage of scripture to ‘dwell with’. This year it is Romans 12.6-16a which speaks of the marks of a Christian. Paul writes:

“Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good; love one another with mutual affection; outdo one another in showing honour. Do not lag in zeal, be ardent in spirit, serve the Lord.  Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints; extend hospitality to strangers”.
In so many ways, these characteristics are so prevalent among us as a church, but are there new ways in which we can deepen even further our expressions of love, honour, prayer, zeal and hospitality?

May God’s image in me be restored, and my imagination in God be re-storied.
May the gravity of material things be lightened, and the relativity of time slow down.
May I know grace to embrace my own finite smallness in the arms of God’s infinite greatness.
May God’s Word feed me and His Spirit lead me into the week to come. Amen.